


7th Annual "March Against Child Abuse" - El Paso, TX (Contract: Priscilla Monarez)
Hosted by Project C.H.A.N.C.E.

Cancelled due


Stewards of Children Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training (Ongoing)
7801 Phoenix Ave. (Community Baptist Church - Fellowship Hall)

"Volunteer Night" 
Your chance to learn more about Project C.H.A.N.C.E. and how you can help us prevent child abuse 
Venue to be determined
"Silent No More" - Domestic Violence Candlelight Vigil
Crime Victims' Memorial - Yucca Park
Hosted by Project C.H.A.N.C.E.



If you are aware of any upcoming health fairs, community safety events, or children's fairs in El Paso or Las Cruces, NM, PLEASE inbox us. Project C.H.A.N.C.E. is always looking to collaborate with local law enforcement officials, educators, counselors and local child advocacy organizations to raise awareness and educate the masses in every way possible. 

In addition to the above, Project C.H.A.N.C.E. will organize special events throughout the year that will benefit local shelters that serve women and children in crisis. As we all know, people fall into homelessness when there is no one there to catch them and in El Paso County, this happens all too often and increasingly to families with children. So, Project C.H.A.N.C.E. does its part to help local families in crisis by organizing the following events to help them with their most basic needs.

“Cuts for a Cause” – Local hair stylists bring their tools and talents and volunteer a few hours of their time on the date of the event to offer free services to the homeless women and children of the designated shelter. 

“Safe Horizons Donation Drive” – Month long donation drive, which benefits a designated shelter that serves women and children by placing donation bins in participating businesses. At the end of the drive, the goods will be collected and delivered by our volunteers to the designated shelter. 

“Angels of Hope Christmas Wish Program” – Project Chance is dedicated to providing a Christmas to needy families in El Paso County who would otherwise not have one. The holiday season is often a time of joy, but for families struggling to make ends meet, it can be overwhelming and lonely. For many families, providing holiday gifts and a meal is simply impossible. You can make a family's Christmas wishes come true by giving gifts to a family in need. Giving to others in need is one of the most valuable lessons that we can teach our children. Adopting a family for Christmas or donating to your favorite charity is fun, rewarding and a great bonding experience for your family. We want children to be happy and to have some expectation of joy, especially around the Christmas Holiday, the season of giving from the heart.

By organizing the above events, we are not only providing these deserving families with basic necessities, we will be letting these children/families know there is a community of people out there who care about them who don’t want to see them left behind.

Remember, you too can do your part to raise awareness and educate others. Simply share website with your family and friends. The more this information is placed on your pages, the better our chances of saving a life.